empty flight to japanI just purchased a plane ticket for Japan leaving on the 9th of April (2021). This will be the third time that I have attempted to get back to Japan since 2019. Hopefully the third time will be a charm!

Japan's policies on persons entering Japan since the outbreak of Covid-19 has changed over the past year. With the outbreak of new varients of the virus, even more strigent regulations have been made making even more difficult. The changes have been difficult to keep up with and are sometimes quite confusing.

I am no expert in this field so always confirm what I say by going to the original official Japanese documents before making any decisions.

Agencies in Charge of Setting Japan's Covid-19 Policies

As far as it concerns those coming into Japan from abroad, there are at least three agencies involved.

  1. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (厚生労働省)
  2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (外務省
  3. Immigration Services Agency of Japan (出入国在留管理庁

Let's see what each of them have to say.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Required of all persons eligible to enter or re-enter Japan

MHLW's 4 things required to enter JapanMHLW's 4 things required to enter Japan
Click Image for Original Source

Three classes of people presently prohibited from entering Japan

Although these three groups were previously allowed into Japan, the expansion of new strains of Covid-19 has forced the Japanese government to place restrictions on them temporarily. At the present date, March 26, 2021, according to the following document, the following 3 classes of people are prohibited from entering Japan.

pdfSource: Three_Groups_Not_Now_Admitted_into_Japan.pdf (Japanese)